“Organize and facilitate an event to create sense of excitement
for our new brand positioning.”
In order to create a Sense of Urgency & Sense of Excitement for the Why, How & What of the new brand positioning of Broersma Real Estate, we organized two events, one for the management and one for the management & the employees.
Event 1: The DNA Dinner
The mean purpose of this start event was to align senior management on the Why of the new brand position.
The internal case owner of the new brand strategy introduced the reason why a new strategy was needed.
In addition to this introduction the external brand consultant introduced her brand advice.
Next the participants were challenged on their point of view in order te create broad support for
the Why of the company.
Event 2: The Creation Morning
Now that the management agreed on the Sense of Urgency for the new brand strategy, is was important the create a Sense of Excitement for the crucial next stage: the execution.
Too often we see that a lot of time is spend working on the strategy, but too little time is actually reserved for creating broad support and excitement for the execution. That's why we organized this event for all the employees involved of bringing the brand positioning alive.
Alignement within Management Team
on strategy: Mission, Vision & DNA (Why) of company
Support base within whole company
on the How & What of the new brand strategy
Sense of Excitement
besides Sense of Urgency, the team is excited about the road ahead and ready for execution​