'Help us to establish an effective way of working
to utilize creativity throughout the entire organization.'
In order to develop a new way of working that will result in new, innovative media & commercial concepts, formats and business cases based on business knowledge, facts and founded on a broad support base, we developed for Talpa, The Creative Lab.
Introduction of The Creative Lab:
Getting all the employees onboard & enthusiastic about its purpose.
Facilitating Co-Create Sessions for a wide range of internal & external commercial and business challenges:
Proces of creating better ideas faster & select the right ideas for execution guided by Mount Scott.
Train-the trainer workshops:
Upskilling Talpa team members to co-create better ideas & to put the right ideas into action.
32 Co-creation sessions in one year
to create ideas and solutions for internal & external challenges
228 In- and external stakeholders brought together
a excellent way to give several projects the right momentum
192 New concepts, formats & business ideas
beter thought out ideas with wider support of all stakeholders involved
Above all a more creative & innovative culture throughout Talpa Network.